These Patacones con Carne Desmechada are one of my favorite dishes. I like to serve them as an appetizer, but they are also a delicious lunch.

This Patacones con Carne Desmechada recipe is proof of how a few basic ingredients can create an unforgettable dish. A delicious recipe doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive to be incredible. I could happily eat this every day for the rest of my life!
I used my carne desmechada (shredded beef) and simple guacamole recipes to top these patacones.
Patacones con Carne Desmechada Recipe
- 8 cooked patacones recipe here
- Carne desmechada recipe here
- 2 cups guacamole recipe here
- ½ cup grated mozzarella cheese
- ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
- Spread the guacamole on the patacones.
- Add the shredded beef and top with the cheese and cilantro. Serve and enjoy.
I can't even describe how good these patacones or tostones are! If you're a regular reader of my blog, you've probably noticed by now how much I love patacones and this recipe is one of my favorites. I've been making this Patacones con Carne Desmechada recipe forever. It is a dish that looks and taste great and is very easy to make.
Buen provecho!
Looks really good Erica! I love plantains,it's amazing how every culture uses each ingrident! Book marking this one will let you know when I try this!
Belinda @zomppa
Fantastic combination of fresh flavors!
Wow, these look absolutely mouthwatering...plantain as bread...awesome!
Hope you are having a great week Erica 😀
I've never had patacones before...but these look so good I would love to try them!! And I love how simple it is, and yet it still looks amazing! 🙂
What tasty bites! so full of great flavor!
Angie@Angie's Recipes
They look so tasty and the photos are mouthwatering ,Erica.
Very appetizing Erica. I would feel guilty eating more then my fair share.
You are absolutely right! A few good ingredients can make a great dish. of course, this one is proof of that-
Happy Thanksgiving!
this looks so so good
Olivia C Apostal
Leyendo las recetas colombianas me estoy dando cuenta que son muy similares a las cubanas lo único que cabían son los nombres. El sancocho nosotros le llamamos ajiaco y le agregamos también camotes y plátano maduro. Mi abuela lo hacia muy rico, ella lo hizo un par de veces aquí en Los Angeles pero nunca el sabor es el mismo porque nos hace falta nuestra tierra. Feliz día de Acción de Gracia y Navidad.
Olivia C Apostal
Buenas recetas similares a las cubanas
Natalia RS
Hola, me encanta este blog, me gustaría saber si tienes esta receta. La vi mucho en la zona cafetera en Colombia se me olvidó el nombre pero se que era un patacón entero con Toppings encima, como trucha con salsa de camarones y otros deliciosos Toppings, muchas gracias!
Erica Dinho
I was looking everywhere for Colombian recipes other than the main popular ones. Thank you so much for sharing all these recipes! I was born in Colombia and moved to the states at a young age and miss eating all these home cooked meals. Can't wait to start making them for my family!