Torta de Milo (Milo Cake)
- 1 stick + ¼ cup butter at room temperature
- 1 cup sugar
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 2 large eggs at room temperature
- 1 cup whole milk
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 and ½ cups all purpose flour
- 11/4 cups of Milo powder
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ¼ teaspoon baking soda
- Preheat the oven to 325°F. Butter and lightly flour a baking pan.
- In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugars and beat until fluffy, about 4 minutes.
- Add the eggs and beat well, then add the Milo, milk and vanilla.
- Mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. Add them to your wet ingredients.
- Stir together with a spoon until blended. Scrape down the batter in the bowl, making sure the ingredients are mixed.
- Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until a tooth pick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool in pan on a rack for about 10 minutes and serve.
Milo is a delicious drink that I drank every morning growing up in Colombia. I can’t remember a period in my life when it wasn’t my favorite drink. It is a chocolate and malt powder which is mixed with hot or cold milk to make a wonderful and rich drink.
Milo is made by Nestlé and here in the USA you can find it online at Amazon.com or at your local Latin market.
The other day I was craving something sweet and I didn't know what to make, so I opened my pantry and the first thing I saw was my green container of Milo and that was the inspiration for this cake. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Buen Provecho!
Belinda @zomppa
I loved Milo too!! What a great cake!!
Sarah Naveen
That looks so delicious Erica!!!
I've never has milo before, but it sounds good. The cake looks wonderful, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
It is a great and delicious idea, I never thought of using Milo for a cake. Thanks for sharing.
Simply Life
oh wow! what a great looking cake!
What a fun idea! I've never heard of this drink before but you can rest assured that I'll be keeping an eye out for it in my grocery store. That cake looks so moist and delicious!
My mom always gave us Milo growing up, she grew up drinking it in Zimbabwe! I am so excited to try this and tell her about it!
A Canadian Foodie
This cake looks so moist and lovely - especially for all the rainy days we have been having around here, lately.
I remember Milo...You are a bright one using this for a biscocho....
Erica, although I never tried Milo, the cake sure looks delicious, nice texture and color.
Hope you are having a great week 🙂
I love the flavors of chocolate malt! Sounds like a fantastic cake.
I love Milo and drink it all the time. I would never have thought to make a cake with it. Thanks for this Erica!
I adore this kind of cake: good, not too pretentious and rich with fond memories.
I have never heard of Milo either but it looks like something worth trying.
We had something similar to Milo growing up; this is a great idea for a cake, delicious and very comforting as well! Bravo.
You should try making Milo brownies... they are SOOOO good!
Mmmmm! This looks delicious !
I'm able to purchase Milo at the local Wal-Mart here in North Carolina. This cake looks muy delicioso!! Definitely gonna try this recipe. By the way they also make Milo with 50% less sugar. Saw it in Colombia last week at a Carrefour in Bogota.
Already try this Milo Cake and belive me IT IS SO GOOD. Thank you Erika.
Mary Ann
Thank you for this recipe. I made it for Thanksgiving for my two new grandchildren who were recently adopted from Colombia. It was the first time I made a "from scratch" cake and it was wonderful...so rich and moist, yet not heavy or overly sweet. The children loved it, as well as my entire family. I'm thinking of trying the pineapple/coconut upside down cake for Christmas. I am thrilled to learn more and more about the culture of these beautiful children. Yuliana and Miguel are a blessing on our whole family. God bless and Feliz Navidad to you and yours. I look forward to trying more Colombian recipes.
This recipe is a WINNER! I cooked it last weekend and substituted honey for the brown sugar ....the cake was delicious.... and super easy to make
Erika, cordial saludo:
Quiero ensayar tu receta de milo, pero me gustaría con relleno o cobertura. Cuál me sugieres?.
Hola, probe tu receta pero no funciono, la torta me salio aguada, tienes alguna idea de porque puede ser?
Erica Dinho
Hola Diana,
No se...Siempre que la hago me sale deliciosa....A lo mejor es por que todos los hornos son diferentes.
Hola Erica, una duda, cuando dices 1 stick y 1/4 cup de mantequilla eso equivale a 170gr aproximadamente??. Lo otro que pudo pasar es que use Leche semidescremada... volveré a intentarlo en estos días.
Erica Dinho
Diana- 1 stick is ( 1/2- 113.4 g.)
Gabby Gomez
Ahí dice once tazas de Milo?
Hi erika,
Sorry i'm confuse about the milo powder measurement.
Which one the correct,
11/4 c. milo powder
1 1/4 c. ( 1+1/4 c.) milo powder.
Erica Dinho
1 + 1/4 cups milo.
Para cuantas personas es esta receta se ve super
Erica Dinho
About 8 servings
Carmen Green
hola Erica, aqui no encuentro stick de butter so cuanto en total en tazas se necicita.
I made this cake today and followed your recipe. It's soooo good. Thank you so much for publishing it.
hi, I am going to make this cake for my fathers birthday and wanted to know if the butter is un salted or salted?
Erica Dinho
Es increíble el Milo!!
Podría dar exactamente en gramos la cantidad de Mantequilla? las barras de USA no pesan igual que en otras paises, por favor. Mil gracias