Asado Huilense is a traditional pork dish from El Huila department located in the southwest of Colombia. This dish is very popular during Las Fiestas de San Pedro (St Peter's Festival), a religious celebration introduced by the Spanish conquerors. It is usually held in Neiva, the capital of Huila, in late June each year with traditional Colombian music, parades and food. Since the 1960, Las Fiestas de San Pedro took a new direction and they were named Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco (Folk Festival and the National Bambuco Pageant).
Asado Huilense (Huilense-Style Roast)
- 6 garlic cloves
- 1 white onion diced
- 4 scallions chopped
- 2 cans of beer
- ½ cup of sour orange juice
- ¼ cup of white vinegar
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- 2 tablespoons of dried basil
- 2 tablespoons of fresh cilantro chopped
- 2 tablespoons of dried oregano
- 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme
- 4 pounds of pork loin or pork shoulder cut into pieces
- Blend the onions, garlic, scallions, beer, vinegar and orange juice to obtain a puree.
- Mix the puree with the cumin, dried basil, cilantro, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper.
- Make incisions in the pork loin and add the marinade, rub the pork loin with the marinade trying to get it in to the incisions.
- Let the pork marinate for at least 24 hours, turning and rubbing it with the marinade about every 6 hours.
- Preheat the oven to 300 F °. Bake for about 3 hours, turning the roast every hour.
Traditionally, Asado Huilense (Huilense-Style Roast) is made by marinating the pork in beer, sour orange juice, vegetables, herbs and spices, and then baking the pork covered with banana leaves in a clay oven, which gives the pork a special flavor that you won't get preparing it in a conventional oven. I would love to own a clay oven so that I can cook my asado huilense or a whole lechona the traditional way. In the meantime, I make my Huilense Roast in the oven. Also, today most people use the blender or food processor to mix all the marinade ingredients. However, this can change the final taste of the dish. Traditionally, the process was done manually using a mortar. The mixture of ingredients and spices can also vary according to the cook or the region of the Huila department.
El Asado Huilense is typically served with arepas, envueltos de plátano maduro, insulsos and cooked cassava.
Buen provecho!
hello! I am such a big fan. I never comment but let me assure you... I am always on your website looking for new stuff and I love to look at recipes with my husband (hes colombian) ... he gets really excited and hungry. Nearly everytime I make a colombian plate his mom is always commenting how good and authentic. I have you to thank! so thank you. They were very impressed when I made a whole paisa platter. It pleases my husband that I am willing to make food from his country. so thank you again. ill always be a faithful person to your website. btw can't wait to try this brew recipe.... it looks delicious.
Erica Dinho
That looks so delicious! I love pork and you made yours sounds so simple to prepare!
Chica Andaluza
Looks and sounds amazing - love it!
Angie@Angie's Recipes
This looks like a hearty and delicious meal.
Norma Torres
Hay no...me muero...que rico!
Fabulous marinade and dish, I am sure it is almost like the clay oven yours 🙂
Erica, what a delicious meal...the pork sounds and looks delicious, packed with flavors.
Hope you are having a great week 😀
your pork looks SO tender, and i'm sure it tastes amazing! what a great plate of food.
Me encanta tu pagina. Gracias por compartir tus deliciosas recetas, he preparado varias y de verdad se siente como en casa.
De nuevo mil y mil gracias=)
We need to get you a ceramic kamado grill, essentially it is a clay oven and more. I am going to share this with my Big Green Egg friends.
Hi Erica, I would like to know when you bake the pork do you also put the marinated?