Colombia is located in the northwest of South America and shares borders with Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador.
Santafé de Bogotá
Colombian Peso (COP)
National Flower:
Cattleya Orchid
Population (2009 Estimate)
I'm 1/2 Colombian and I've never been. Sad huh?
Nice country overview.
I wish I could visit sometime...& i love the rice recipe too. I cannot live without rice.
Tangled Noodle
There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding about Colombia and other South American nations. Your blog, through the food you feature, really pique my interest in learning about the 'real' Colombia. Thank you!
wow!! vat a great palace. ive never been there but looking forward to visit soon 🙂
Natasha - 5 Star Foodie
Would love to know more about Colombia!
Thank you for the comments!
I hope one day you can visit my beautiful country.
Taste Traveller
Thanks for the compliments, I used to work with a girl from Medellín - she told wonderful stories about her home & shared wonderful pictures. Thanks for visiting me, & for sharing a wonderful site! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your country and culture! I would love to visit Colombia one day 🙂
Hi Erica,
I just returned from a 10 day trip to Colombia, and I was so inspired by the wonderful food and culture over there. We stayed in Cartagena, which is absolutely beautiful! I came back to the states wanting to learn more about the country and also how to cook Colombian food. I googled "Colombian Recipes" and your blog popped up. I can't tell you how much I love your recipes and the fact that you have a story to go with every one of them. Dishes I've already made are: Sudado de res, arepas con queso, huevos revueltos con tomate y cebolla, and my favorite, pollo con leche de coco! I'm not a great cook by any means, but your recipes are so easy to follow and all of the dishes have come out tasting delicious! Next up is the Alfajores--I want to bake some for my boyfriend's dad who is Colombian. 🙂
Thank you so much for all the wonderful recipes! I look forward to all the new ones to come!
Hi Roya,
Thank you so much for the nice comment!
I am glad you like my country and our food.....I appreciate your feedback.
Harry Sutherland
Hi Erica, I am a GRINGO-COLOMBIANO married to a wonderful Colombian lady from Pereira. In a year, we both plan to move to Pereira to live FOR GOOD AND FOREVER. I have been married to my wife for 22 years and visited Colombia at least once to twice a year. We have also built a new home on top of a mountain above the city of Pereira. The new home will accommodate ALL her family; who are MY FAMILY. I love them all.
Erica, thank you for your website!!!
Hi Harry,
Wow!!! I 'm happy for you . You did what I want to do. I am engaged to marry a wonderful and of course a beautiful Colombiana. Starting my second life. I am moving to Pereria in a few months and would like to have a dialog with persons of your stature who love Colombia too. I have been to Cali and Bogota several times but not Pereria. Any information from you would be appreciated. I am a no fear kind of man but would like to have the perspective from someone that is seasoned to the area like you. I have total respect and love for Colombia and its people. I have no bad vices and have not intention of any. Just want to have happiness with my future wife and her children. A reply would be very much appreciated however, if not thank you anyway for your time and efforts in this read. Have a happy Colombian day.