Catching Up with Me {January 2013}
Catching Up with Me {February 2013}
Catching Up with Me {March 2013}
Catching Up with Me {April 2013}
Catching Up with Me {May 2013}
Catching Up with Me {June 2013}
Catching Up with Me {July 2013}
Catching Up with Me {August 2013}
Catching Up with Me { September 2013}
Dear Erica:
It’s a pleasure to see our Colombian food presented to the world with such class.
Chef owner
Beanwood Latin Bistro
Erica Dinho
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!
You should write a cookbook. I love your recipes.
I absolutely agree with Clara, a cookbook for expats.... 🙂 Thank you for bringing me home with this incredible blog. God bless you.
Just back from Colombia, my first trip. My wife is from Bogota and has a lot of family there. I love the Colombian food, and seeing all these great recipes is giving us lots of ideas for future meals. Thank you for sharing the wonderful cuisine of a beautiful country! I can't wait to go back again!
Thank you for your comment in reference to Colombia.
Thank you for these great recipes. My husband is from Colombia and the smile on his face is priceless when I cook food from his country. Your website allows me to combine our culture and traditions.
Alice Pereira
I was tempted not to write but after following your web site for over
two months, you deserve to be told how wonderful it is.
At least once a week, I try one of your recipes. They all come out
great. These are the only recipes that I’ve ever followed that
actually come out good. I’m usually skeptical about following
written recipes.
I’m originally from the Boston area but have been living in Sicily
for the past 13 years. My parents are Portuguese, so I grew up eating
real Portuguese food. Everyday I have to cook lunch and dinner from
scratch. I usually cook traditional Sicilian dishes, which I learnt
from my 93 year old mother-in-law and other times I cook my mom’s
recipes. So you can imagine, I’m a bit cynical of modern recipes.
For a few months now, I’ve been really interested in Colombian
culture. I don’t know why something just really attracts me, maybe
it’s a past life thing, who knows, or maybe it’s the mix that
I’ve always been searching for. In my free time (so to say, I have a
4 year old daughter Pilar), I read up on Colombia. At one point, I
wanted to try Colombian recipes (because to really feel the culture
you must eat its food), so I looked up some books to buy. None of them
convinced me and the only one that did cannot be sent to Italy. From
there I did some research and came upon your site. What struck me
right away was the fact that each recipe has its story. But what
really won me over is the fact that you use real everyday people’s
recipes. This morning, I made the Mantecada and to tell you the truth,
I decided to make it because you got the recipe from a friend’s
mother who is originally from Bogota. Unfortunately, I can’t make
many of the things because of the lack of ingredients here. Imagine
for the recipes that require coconut milk, I would have to buy a real
coconut and make a hole in it. You can bet that the next time I go to
the States, I’ll be dining in Colombian restaurants and the next day
I’m there, I’m going out to buy the Colombiana soda.
Colombian food is the perfect mix between the old and new world. Just
imagine Colombians throughout generations have had to find that
delicate balance of flavours between the two worlds.
Thank you so much for sharing your culture. In my case, it has been a
big enlightenment.
Alice Pereira
Lina R
Erica! Quería robarte unos minutos de tu ocupada agenda, para darte
unas gracias gigantes por esta página. No tienes ni idea de la gran
ayuda que ha sido para mi. También soy colombiana y casada con un
Americano de raíces Dominicanas. Me case muy joven y todavía no
sabía cocinar mucho y empece aprendiendo a cocinar la comida típica
de la República Dominicana ya que es la comida favorita de mi esposo,
y pues a mi también me encanta. Mientras éramos nosotros sólitos no
había ningún problema pero llegaron los hijos y entendí que tenía
que aprender a cocinar comida Colombiana para ofrecerles y enseñarles
a mis príncipes sobre nuestra bella cultura... Pero no tenía ni una
idea de donde aprender y mi madre desafortunadamente estoy lejos de
ella, ya que vivo en otro estado.
Tu página de cocina me ha caído como del cielo y he aprendido tantas
cosas, que la última vez que estuve en NJ visitando a mi madre y
hermanos les cocine unas lentejas que no me lo podían creer! Jajaj y
en mi casa cocino por semanas, una semana comida Colombiana y otra
semana cocina Dominicana y mis hijos han tomado un gran amor y
satisfacción por nuestra cultura y sazón.
Otra vez mil mil gracias por este gran proyecto que has hecho y muchas
bendiciones y éxitos para ti y los tuyos 🙂
~Lina R
This is the best free guide about Colombian Food.
Thank you! Let me know once you do it. I would love to try it.
I also wanted to let you know that I thank God I found your website. I am from Barranquilla originally but I have been raised in Miami most of my life. My mother passed away about a year and a half ago and I wish that I would have learned her cooking from early on. Your Colombian recipes are as close as I can get to cooking like her, the Colombian style. Thank you so much because I didn't get a chance to get it from her but I am getting them through you. You have no idea how thankful I am.
I love all your recipes!!! thank you so much for sharing them with the world.
love all these recipes! thank you so much for sharing them with the world
Patti Garcia
I just found your site and I am thrilled to have these recipes I can't wait to try them all. I am from Colombia but have been living in CA most of my life. I grew up on this food and have missed it terribly since my parents have gone to a better life. Now I can make it for my grand-babies, many thanks! 🙂
Francesca Forrest
Your blog is my lifesaver these days. We stayed for 10 lovely days in Bogotá and loved the food so, so much--now I'm trying to keep some of those flavors now that I'm back home, and you are helping me tremendously! Muchisimas gracias!
May Scott
Hola Erica,
Mi nombre es May y soy nacida y criada en barranquilla. Vivo en Albany NY con mi esposo e hija desde hace 11 años. Pero siempre he tenido ese vacío por mi tierra Colombia, la comida tradicional y mi gente. Acabo de cruzarme con tu página y me ha regresado a mi vida en Colombia, todas estas recetas me transportan a mi tierra. Muchas gracias por poner tanto esfuerzo y pasión a este proyecto. Ojalá algún día dios me de la oportunidad de conocer a una paisana como tu por estos lados. Dios te bendiga y tu familia!
Hello Erica, I was born in Colombia, and was brought to USA as a very young child. I was raised in a different culture , so I never had the opportunity to learn how to cook Colombian food. Now and then a memory of what my dear grandmother made pops up, and I can imagine an aroma, but reality hits and it is just a memory, that my mind, might be fooling me with. I came across your page, and I am static with the thought that I will be executing some of these dishes. Thank you for your dedication, time, and effort you put into your recipes, and the stories behind them . Loving this site. Merry Christmas, and a New Year, of many blessings, health, peace, and happiness ,oh, yes, and more recipes with more stories. Abrazos.
Hi Erica! I lived in CT for 18 years! Now I live in New Jersey with my husband but my mother is still in CT. My mother is a great cook too and makes amazing empandas! We should meet up!
Jorge Villarreal
This is more of a question than comment... (brief comment; fabulous recipes, THANKS!
Back to the question, how do you prepare the light and semi runny runny caramel that is served over a flan dessert?. I live in WA state far away from any latin market where I could get latin food supplies...
My wife, born and raised in Oregon, is making Ajiaco and Flan for my Bday tomorrow :-). Hope to hear back from you soon...
Gracias por tan fabulosas recetas !!!
Richard J. Frank
It mentions broth in the directions but not the type or quantity.