Arepa con Carne y Champiñones (Corn Cake with Beef and Mushrooms)
- 2 cooked arepas
- 2 cups portobello mushrooms sliced
- ½ teaspoon fresh thyme
- Salt and pepper
- ¼ teaspoon onions
- 1 garlic clove
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 pound thin beef steaks skirt steaks are a good choice
- 2 garlic cloves crushed
- ½ teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 scallion finely chopped
- Salt and pepper
- Fresh cilantro
- To make the beef: Mix the crushed garlic, cumin, scallion, salt and pepper together to make a marinade for the meat.
- Rub the garlic cumin marinade on the thin steaks and let marinate for a couple of hours or overnight.
- Grill or fry the steaks over high heat to desired doneness. Since they are relatively thin they wonu2019t take too long to cook. Set aside.
- To make the mushrooms: Heat the olive oil in a sauce pan over medium heat. Add the onions, mushrooms, garlic and thyme and season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 7 minutes or until they are golden brown, stirring often.
- To assemble: top each arepa with beef and mushrooms. Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve warm.
I have to admit that I am an "arepa" girl. I love them for breakfast but also for any meal during the day. I have always enjoyed arepas, not only to eat but also to prepare. The topping combo on this arepa is simple and delicious, earthy mushrooms and flavorful beef.
I want to apologize because I am not posting as often as I would like, but this pregnancy has been harder than my first one and this time I have another child care for, as well as a dog, a husband and a house. Thank God for my parents-in-law who are an amazing help.
Every day I keep hoping that I will have the energy to write a post. Sometimes I wait until the evening, but I’ve come to realize that 's simply a bad idea. You know what happens at night... I'm even more tired, cranky and have heartburn! Believe me, you don't want me to start writing in English when I'm exhausted. I sometimes don't make any sense when speaking English when I'm over-tired, never mind writing, just ask my husband 🙂
I hope you all enjoy this arepa dish!
Belinda @zomppa
No need to apologize!! All the good reasons for it...these arepas are fantastic!!
Erica, there is no need to apologize and you blog more often than I do. We do have a life apart from blogging and we cannot be on the computer from dawn to midnight :0
I am not a big fan of beef but I do eat it about once every month and the dish sounds delicious. I love the arepas and mushrooms.
Caroll Buitrago-Long
Erika, espero que tu embarazo sea una bendicion y que todo salga muy bien.
Only until I got married, I understood moms and the 'load" that we carry and the responsibility of making a house a lovely place to be. I thank God everyday for you, for your love to our ColOmbian food, and for the inspiration this blog has been for me. Muchas, muchas gracias. Dios te guarde y te de salud y bienestar.
Un abrazo fuerte y si estuvieramos cerquita te prepararia una sopita bien rica para ayudarte un poco.
Caroll- Thank you for the nice comment. I truly appreciate it!
This turns an arepa into a full blown meal, doesn't it? Excellent dish, I like it.
rebecca subbiah
this looks amazing don't worry about posting less I understand we are all here for you
love Rebecca
You certainly do a wonderful job given all you're dealing with right now. This looks like a wonderful meal and I hope someone is doing a bit of cooking for you right now.
Christine @ Fresh Local and Best
I love arepas too! They are the perfectly textured and great vessels for holding just about any good combinations. This looks like a good arepa mushroom burger.
First of all congratulations on your pregnancy, secondly I think in laws are a blessing in our lives too despite all the negative stories I've heard over the years....glad you have yours to help you. I see you can still cook a very beautiful meal for your family:)
Love how this dish looks....delicious! So excited to hear of your coming baby......bundle of joy! 😀 Please take care. You and your baby and family comes first. Blogging can come second. Great that your parents-in-law are there with you.
Soy una paisa radicada en los EU y contenta de haber encontrado este maravilloso sitio. No cocino mucho, pero me encanta comer. 🙂
Felicidades por tu nuevo tesoro y gracias por hacer el esfuerzo de añadir paginas a pesar de todas tus responsabilidades y el malestar del embarazo.
Me gusto el sitio y aca me quedo. 😉
No need for apologies Erica, your arepa looks yummy. Beef with mushrooms is such a wonderful combination. Have a great week.
Now I want to make arepas! The mushrooms on top look delicious.
Erica, never apologize for not blogging. You have a life outside blogging and a busy one at that! I couldn't possibly have done this when my kids were little so I have great respect for you young mothers who take the time to share their lives and recipes with us.
Your arepa looks fabulous!
A Canadian Foodie
This looks stellar and come on - how delicious!
Can I ask you to indicate at the top of each recipe you post if it is a traditional columbian recipe or not? Food is fusing all over the place, and I am really trying to get an understanding of Columbian food while enjoying all of your culinary expertise... so I would really appreciate it under the title the label - somewhere obvious.
i'm sorry to hear that you're having a bit of a rough go of it with the little one growing inside ya--hang in there, and eat more arepas! 🙂
Muchas felicidades por tu embarazo, qué bendición!
No necesitas disculparte, uno comprende que es imposible con todas las actividades estar posteando seguido.
Qué rica comida y muy fácil de preparar.
En México hacemos tipo arepas pero pequeñas, llamadas "Gorditas" con harina de maíz, agua y sal y se rellenan de cualquier guiso mmmmm
Wishing you well on your pregnancy. I remember those days, exhilarating but also exhausting.
I love arepas too and any topping is great, this one is perfect for the cold weather outside.
Jenn AKA The Leftover Queen
This is a delicious looking dish!
You are the one who go me onto arepas. Now I have both white and yellow masarepa and a lot of it. This looks so good I am definitely going to give it a try. Do you make the arepas right then when you cook the meal? do you ever have them made ahead of time? Thanks for all the aprea ideas!
Take it easy with this pregnancy if that's what you need. We will survive and still be here!
Valerie-I always tag the recipes if they are traditional....!
You know how much I love your arepa recipes! I brought a bag of masarepa all the way from the US here to the Philippines to be sure I can make some. 😎 I hope that you are doing well - don't worry about blogging, you've got much more important things to think about! 8-D
Que rico. A mi me encanta cuando haces tus arepas.....
First thing I have to say is, thank you sooo much for this recipe. OMG it is so delicious! I love the combination of scallions and cilantro, they should not be left out. The only things I changed were leaving out the shrooms since I didn't have any on hand, and adding honduran butter to the masa...a tip I learned from a dear Colombian friend. Wow, this makes me want to try your other recipes. Again, thanks!
Angela M.
Hola Erica:
encontramos este blog y esta semana todo va a ser colombiano.
Un abrazo desde Australia
Hola Erica,
Solo quiero que sepas que eres mi salvacion. Visito tu pagina a diario para tener ideas de que preparle a mi familia. Este plato me quedo delicioso! Muchas gracias. Te escribo desde Farmington, Connecticut. **Yender**