Arepas de Papa (Potato Arepas)
- 1 cup of mashed potatoes
- 1 tablespoon melted butter
- 3 tablespoons whole milk
- ¾ cup warm water
- 1 cup of masarepa precooked corn flour
- Salt to your taste
- Spray oil to cook the arepas
- Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
- Make small balls with the mixture. Shape the dough into thick cakes.
- Spray a nonstick pan with oil and place over medium heat. Place the arepas in the pan, and cook about 3 minutes on each side, until a crust forms or they are golden brown.
The most popular arepas in Colombia are made with fresh corn (hominy) or precooked corn flour (masarepa). However, we also make them with fresh sweet corn, plantains, cassava and potatoes.
These potato arepas, or arepas de papa, are very simple to make and delicious. The outside is crispy and golden, while the middle stays wonderfully moist, and they are very versatile. You can serve them for breakfast topped with butter and cheese or egg. You can also add grated cheese to the mixture, or just top them with any ingredients you like. I like to serve mine with either shrimp, shredded beef (carne desmechada), shredded chicken, guacamole, or hogao, the possibilities are endless.
Buen provecho!
I do not understand what cooked masa is...how does one make it with masa (flour) to prepare it for this recipe? I could guess that it is masa with boiling it with water, but I want to make sure.
Erica Dinho
Masarepa is flour for arepas.
Alan Bowman
I remember these at a street-corner stall in Bogotá with aji - delicious.
Is there anyway to get Colombian cookbook in English??
Paulina Vicuña
Hola mi nombre es Paulina Vicuña, soy Chilena, viví algunos años en Bogotá y tuve la oportunidad de saborear las deliciosas comidas de su hermoso país. Me gustaría saber cómo se hace un panqueque que comí que es de maíz molido en la licuadora relleno con jamón y queso.
Debe ser arepa de choclo rellena de jamón y queso. es muy popular en las calles de bogota.
POV: Your here after watch Encanto
Is the mashed potato just plain potato, mashed or mashed potato with my usual additions like butter and milk?