Almojábana is a traditional Colombian cheese bread. They are delicious with coffee or hot chocolate for breakfast or a snack. Almojábanas are very easy to make and don't require a lot of ingredients. They are made with corn flour, cheese, butter, eggs and milk.

These Colombian Almojábanas are delicious for breakfast or for an afternoon snack with a cup of coffee.
Almojábanas (Colombian Cheese Bread)
- 1 ¼ cups of masarepa or precooked cornmeal
- 3 cups queso fresco
- 1 cup shredded mozzarella
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 4 tablespoon whole milk
- Preheat the oven to 400° F.
- Mix the masarepa and cheese in a food processor.
- Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
- Divide into 8 equal-size portions and shape into a ball.
- Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until they are golden. Serve warm.
I published an almojábana recipe several years ago and it’s loved by many readers, but I was not completely happy with the recipe. I am not a baker, but, I’ve certainly improved my baking skills over the years! I want to share my new and improved version including the step by step video. Baking is truly a science and I’m happy to continue to deliver you tested and improved recipes!
Well, to tell you the truth I am always scared of baking, but sometimes I crave my favorite Colombian “parva”, so I bake. Parva is what we call our baked goods in the region of Antioquia. Although this recipe is very easy to make, the problem I have is that in the USA, I don’t find “cuajada”, a fresh white cheese made with non-pasteurized milk, and this is the base for Colombian Almojábanas. So, I have tried this recipe at least 4 times with various kinds of cheese and although the bread is not quite the same as I make in Colombia, it is pretty close and delicious!

You had me when I saw bread and cheese in the same title! These look and sound sooo good!
They look so soft and appealing to me. I bet they smell so tempting. We generally put the cheese inside such balls and then bake in Turkish cuisine. But this one sounds easier. I can try this with cottage cheese here.
Adriana Gutierrez
Look for Harina PAN in the yellow bag. Most hispanic groceries and international markets carry it.
Claudia Garcia
Yes! I purchased my authentic Harina Pan through Amazon. You can get 1 pk. or a box of 12 packages. If you go on Pan's website you can see many other great Colombian recipes including cakes & other sweets too! Born but not raised in Colombia. Harina Pan helps me keep up with the cooking traditions including Empanadas! Delicioso!!!
You mention empanadas in your review. Can you please share there recipe? Inés
This cheese bread looks divine!
We are part of a cooking club and each member (12) gets the opportunity to host 1-2 a year. I think you have me convinced that when our opportunity comes around again, that Colombian will be the theme.
note: A friend of ours who is in the cooking club is an American who grew up in Columbia and although he may not be a registered follower is following your blog.
Colombia, not Columbia
Tangled Noodle
I'm still looking for masarepa! Now, I'm even more determined to find it - these looks delicious. I've had pão de queso (Brazilian cheese bread) before; I would love to try these to add to my list of cheese bread favorites!
Maritza Heg
The best is pre-cooked corn flour , brand is Harina P.A.N. !!! And is so easy too, besides its great flavor for Colombian cheese bread.
For me the best is to see the proportion os cheese vs flour is 2 to 3/4 cup !!! YEAH !!!
Ummm! Erica. este pan tiene una pinta estupenda! y tiene que estar buenísimo.
Me apunto la receta.
Una pregunta, ¿El queso lo pones rallado?.
Un beso.
Hola Empar,
El cottage cheese es cremoso, entonces no tienes que hacer nada con el.
Gracias por visitarme y por el comentario!
These little cheese breads look so tasty & must be light & yummie with the cottage cheese in it!
Thank you all very much for the comments!!!
Hola Erica, se puede utilizar La harina PAN?
Erica Dinho
rebecca subbiah
yummy cheesy bread give me some !
This looks so nice and fluffy! I would love this bread!
sounds really good & easy to make. & i like the way they look so cute & soft.
Yay!! Can't wait to try them! I have the same problem...I can find queso fresco, and queso blanco...but no cuajada. When I was in Florida I found it, but that didn't help me much!
Baking is not my first choice either, but I always seem to surprise myself in a good way with how it turns out. I may have to have another one of those attempts with this yummy looking bread!
Natasha - 5 Star Foodie
Mmm... cheese bread! Those look so light and fluffy, super delicious!
Looks delicious!! Erica, can you use any kind of raw white cheese? Raw meaning unpasteurized? Would raw white cheddar be too strong? Check out They sell various raw cheeses that you can order online or join a group in your area.
Thank you for the info Diana!
Joan Nova
Looks like it might be similar to Brazil's pao de quejo. P.S. Baking scares me too but it looks like you were very successful.
mmm.. sound delish yet simple to make.. will give a shot!! love cheeese!!
Allison Lemons
We had these at our wedding. There are a ton of Colombian bakeries in Jackson Heights, Queens, and one day we walked up and down the neighborhood trying each and every one until we found the perfect cheese bread. We had them delived to our reception and served them with the appetizers. So so good! I'm going to surprise Alejandro and make these for him
What should I do if my batter is too soft to form into a ball? 🙁
Hi Felisha,
The batter should be soft:)
Thank you for visiting my blog!
Ruby Hume
Hola Erica,
I want to try this recipe and I was able to found the cuajada cheese. Should I use the same amount of cuajada cheese than you use of cottage cheese?
Thank you!
Erica Dinho
Melody Wubbenhorst
Use Ricotta. Ricotta IS CUAJADA.
Veronika Rojas
I am so grateful that you share your recipes. My grandmother always measure "al calculo" which makes it so hard for me to cook Colombian food. But your exact measurements give me so much confidence in trying Colombian recipes.
I made this recipe yesterday and the flavor was very close to the real thing. However, I will try it with both Queso Fresco and Queso Cotija next time. My step mother says both cheeses are available in Mexican Markets. If it turns out well, I'll post it on my blog:
Thank you Veronica.
I made them with queso fresco, but next time I am going to use queso cotija, sounds great 🙂
Gracias, Estoy en Francia y a pesar de la variedad de quesos, tampoco he encotrado cuajada, solo "Fromage blanc" que es una crema, tuve que adicionar mas harina porque la masa estaba muy liquida :), quedaron deliciosas, Muchas Gracias
Charles-Thank you for your feedback!
What type of cottage cheese? Dry? 1%? 2%?
I want to make these for a Colombian friend!!
Your website is wonderful!
Courtney- Regular cottage cheese.
Erica puedo usar cottage cheese en reemplazo del quezo fresco?
Porfis déjame saber quiero hacerlos pronto... Gracias
Melody Wubbenhorst
Usen Ricotta de alguna tienda italiana para que sea de mejor calidad y tenga mejor sabor que lo que se compra en el supermercado tipo marca Polly-o. La Ricotta ES CUAJADA. Opcional: drénenla si está muy mojada.
El queso cottage es mas granular ya que reposa más tiempo y puede afectar la consistencia del producto final.
Yo use 3 partes ricotta y una parte mozzarella. Tambien agrego 2 cucharadas de leche deshidratada para acentuar el sabor. Quedan ricos!
I Will try the recipe and get back and let you guy know how it turned out
These are just as delicious as bunuelos, especially if you love cheese like me!!!!
Thanks for the recipe, Erica!!
Erica, what a fantastic blog! My boyfriend and I (un pereirano) have been trying out all number of recipes, but ingredients and substitutes are even more difficult to find in Australia than in the US. In the US I was often able to find good substitute ingredients, such as non-pasteurized milks, cheeses and dairy products, in health food stores. You might want to try one of those, and if near a Whole Foods suggest that they start stocking them. Gracias para las recetas!
El Paramedico
i just got an email from my sister and she brought up something I overlooked earlier...this recipe calls for "Cottage Cheese"... My family has always used Ricotta instead.. I have never tried it with cottage, does it make a big difference in taste??? Still loving your site!!
Melody Wubbenhorst
RICOTTA IS CUAJADA. Cottage cheese not so much as it is more granular. They dry it longer to make larger "grains" of cheese. I wouldn't recommend cottage cheese as the final texture might be affected.
Thanks, Melody !
El Paramedico-
I did not use ricotta before, but I would try it next time. They taste delicious, but nothing like cuajada 🙂
GIna Stires
Bueno las hice no salieron tan mal jajaja eso si si les falto un poquito de sabor no se que me falto pero deliciosas!!! gracias por compartir tus recetas pues a traves de la comida se siente cerca de la tierrita!!!
Gina- Gracias por el comentario. Yo pienso que la proxima vez que las prepare, voy a usar queso fresco y queso cottage.
Melody Wubbenhorst
For everyone looking for some good cuajada. In the U.S., use the Italian equivalent counterpart: RICOTTA cheese is CUAJADA. Just buy a good quality one that is sold in an Italian shop in lieu of "Polly-o" brand if possible. If it's too wet, you can sieve it for an hour to drain a bit. Don't use cottage cheese. It will be too granular.
I also do a 3 to 1 ratio of Ricotta and Mozzarella as I like the extra cheesy texture. I also add 2 TBS of dried milk to accentuate the flavor. I would also increase the salt to 1/2 tsp at least.
I have a recipe for cuajada if you can find raw milk. I milk my own cow, so it is not a problem for me. I have not tried this cheese recipe yet, but it looks like others that I have tried, and seems fairly accurate. Try to find raw milk from pastured cows, it will taste more similar to those in Colombia - they have such a nicer way of doing things, more natural, with their livestock and agriculture. Thanks!
5 1/4 quarts fresh raw milk
1/2 rennet tablet (junket rennet will not work)
1 tbs salt (cheese salt or kosher)
sieves and cheesecloth
Place milk in large stainless steel pot near a heat source (fireplace, warm oven). Take 1/2 cup milk and warm it to 110 F. Mash rennet tablet with back of spoon and stir into warm milk. Add to larger pot, add salt. Stir gently in up and down motion for 30 seconds. Place in warm spot but not over heat for 3 hours until curd sets.
Cut the curd and mix with a fork to break up curd completely. Set aside for 1 1/2 to 2 hours more. Ladle the curd out into five portions (5 seives lined with cheesecloth. Drain whey out over bowls for 4 hours. Discard whey. Fresh cheese should keep 5-7 days refriderated in zip bags.
For info on cheesemaking, go to
Also, know your source for the raw milk. Make sure the milk is handled properly and the cows have been tested for disease. See for details.
Charity- Thank you so much for the recipe.
Baking is my Zen
My sister-in-law loves this bread. She is from Columbia. Now I can make them!
Hi Erica! My boyfriend is caleno and I tried to make almojabanas...but they didn't taste like the ones I've had before. The masa was really runny so I couldn't make them into balls. I am going to try regular cottage cheese next time, but do you have any other recommendations so that the masa won't be so runny? Thanks!
No veo la hora de hacer esto para el desayuno!!! Espero que me salgan bien porque desde ya tengo la baba chorriada. 4 hours to breakfast:)
oh mine didn't come out so masa estaba muy aguada:(
Marian- La masa es un poco aguada por lo del queso.....por que normalmente se hacen con cuajada, pero si cuelas el cottage cheese la proxima vez a lo mejor te salen mejor. Esta receta me dio mucha dificultad la trate como 4 veces con differentes quesos y esta fur la mejor aunque no igual que con cuajada!
Gracias Erica. Hoy voy a intentar otra vez:)
Hi Erika: thank you for the information! I would like to make these and found a company here in the east coast that sells cuajada! it is called tropical . how would the recipe change if you had cuajada? thanks!
I love all of these recipes and I am so excited to make these! I was able to find cuajada today, would all the measurements be the same?
Hi Erika, i'm will be going to try la almojabana, el pandebono y banana orange bread, I really like cooking and baking, thanks for the recipes , I'm from Colombia too y ahora vivo en un pueblito pequeño en Alabama, no se si voy a encontrar yuca flour o cassaba starch, pero quiero intentar los tres, puedo preguntarte si tienes la receta de la arepa de choclo? gracias, felicidades
Here is the link:
Hola Erika estuve intentando las almojabanas con maseca y cottage cheese, pero me quedaron muy aguadasy aqui en este pueblito no encuentro masarepa ni cuajada, yo estoy a3 horas de Panama City y no se si encuentre esos ingredientes alla, pero mi familia quiere que yo haga almojabanas y pandebonos, tambien arepa de choclo, gracias por tu ayuda, tienes una receta facil de empanadas de dulce de leche? y de guayaba? yo estoy haciendo de carne y de pollo y los americanos estan felices, pero me pidieron de dulce, perdona si te molesto mucho ,gracias
solene soto
i am a frenchy married to a colombiano !!!
In France everyone cooks, and we don't really have a particular food ( except for breads, cheeses and wines ^^). I, like millions other frenchies, love cooking !!!
i have introduced my hubby to our french cuisine, and he loves it but i decided it might be time that i try to "take him back home".
I don't have my mother in law around to help me with Colombian delicacies so i was happy to find your website.
i have just tried to make almojabanas for my husband, and happily i found cuajada.
Unfortunately it turned out pretty bad. In fact the almojabanas were very dry !!! nothing like the ones we buy at the colombian bakery. I used the same measure for cuajada than cottage cheese... maybe there is the mistake ??? i want to try again, do you have any advice ?
thank you
Solene- Maybe the cuajada was dry.
Used to eat these all the time in Bogota and Medellin. I also miss natilla and bunuelos at Christmastime!!! AY La vida PAISA
I made these yesterday and they were delicious and very easy to make!
Erica -
So do you find cottage cheese the best substitute for cuajada. My sons love arepas boyacenses, which also requires cuajada and which I also cannot find in the United States. I have substituted many different cheeses with great failure. I have never tried cottage cheese though.
Could we use feta cheese instead?
Lucia-Yes, but add more milk.
Erica what is the difference between Colombian almojábanas and Pande Bono? In Jackson Heights and other Colombian bakeries in NY they always used both names for the same product.
Almojabanas are made with masarepa and Pandebonos are made with a mix of yuca starch and masarepa. The taste and the texture is different.
hi i want to make these ..any cottgae cheese you would recommend?
i made them anyway..very good..but they stuck to sheet pan...even though i greased u use parchment paper?
one more question sorry,,what is the crumb texture supposed to be like...dry and light or a bit wet soft?
Random Creativity
These were amazing! I used a soft cheddar cheese, that I shredded and then stirred some sour cream into to make the texture of cottage cheese. The constancy reminded me of a drop cookie dough, so I used my small disher to make 50 small balls instead of 8 large rolls. I've never tried the 'real' thing, so I don't know how these compare, but we really enjoyed snacking on them, and my husband asked me to 'definitely repeat this recipe.' Thank you so much for sharing!
Emily Renate
Hey Erica- I had some trouble with this recipe...I had to nearly double the masarepa in order to be able to make a consistency that would give me a ball (and it still seemed quite wet). Also, I cooked it for 30 minutes at 400...the outside was quite dark, but the inside still was slightly undercooked (again seeming to indicate the dough was still too wet). Is there a specific type of cottage cheese you use? Small curd vs large curd....4%, 2%, 1%...It's the only thing I can think of that would make a difference. My husband said the flavor was definitely there, but obviously it wasn't quite right. Thanks for your help! (I've made many of your dishes quite successfully for my Colombian husband- he's always happily surprised; but, this one gave me trouble).
Querida Erica,
Me encanta tu blog pues tienes las recetas de platos colombianos acomodadas a lo que uno encuentra por aquí en Estados Unidos y eso ayuda bastante.
Quería hacerte una pregunta: mi hijo de seis años tiene que hacer una presentación en su colegio sobre Colombia. Yo estaba pensando mandar algo de comer típico y pensé en almojabanas. Que opinas sobre esta receta? Será que les gustaría a los niños de esa edad o podrías recomendarme algo más? No se me ocurre nada.... Te agradezco la ayuda desde ya!
Jacquie, a mis dos hijos (2 y 6 años) les encantan las almojabanas y los pandebonos.
Alan Bowman
We don't have any problem getting sqeaky cheese - we just use fresh goat's cheese. Our problem is getting the right flours although we can get Maizena.
Al; you can order Masarepa from Amazon.
Claudia G.
"PAN" corn flour you can get on Amazon.
Hola Erica, trate la receta hoy pero mi procesador está muy pequeño e intente varias veces, entonces creo que no me van a quedar muy bien.... Te estaré contando
Kathy Paul
Oh! I have made these twice - once with cottage cheese only, and one with 1 cup cottage cheese and 1 cup cotija cheese. The 2nd way seems closer to what I remember when we used to go into the panadería and say "Qué hay caliente?" early in the morning! Thanks for this wonderful website....
these look so good, fun for kids to snack on too
Erica, I tried this recipe, but the dough was very liquid. I wonder if I overused the processor. I added more Masarepa, so the almojabanas turned into kind of arepas. Flavor was delicious, but not the almojabana flavor that I was expected. Do you have some advice? I enjoy your website, thank you and have a very Happy New Year.
Hope chen
thank you for your cheese bread recipe!
Hola Erica, tienes una receta para cuajada que se pueda hacer con leche sin pasteurizar como dices para usar en esta y otras receta? Gracias!
If wanting to prepare a Gluten free version just use Tapioca flour which is sold at most natural supermarkets like Sprouts.
I sort of like to fool around with recipes. I tried a local Mexican cheese named Cotija. 1/2n1/2 with Cottage cheese. It was really good. I halved the salt because Cotija is pretty salty. Came out nifty. I am going to up the baking powder a bit and add 1 tbsp. sugar in the next batch.
I tinkered with the recipe a bit. I have Colombian friends who are familiar with the flavor of the Almojabanas and the first batch using the Cotija/cottage cheese was a bit salty. For batch two, I used Ricotta. For the lady (Ivonne) who thought her dough was too liquid, Ricotta is the answer. I brought the second batch to my Colombian friends and they agreed that I had nailed it. Ricotta is the answer.
Erica Dinho
Thank you, Richard!I am going to try it with ricotta next time!
I note that many who wish to make this recipe can't find, Masarepa. Almost any market in an area where there are Hispanics have a precooked corn flour called Maseca. It is the same flour that is used to make tortillas and tamales. Just check in the Hispanic foods aisle of your local supermarket
Kim Armstrong
Do you use the finely grated cotija? That's all I've found near me.
Alan Bowman
Could you use queso campesino (squeaky cheese)? If so a good substitute is fresh white goat's cheese.
You have to be a bit careful with the Mexican cheeses. Most of them are either too dry ,don't mix well, are too salty,&etc. For these rolls, I have found the best sub to be Ricotta. My Colombian friends agree. They even say they taste better than the ones made with cuajada which really doesn't have much in the way of character.
Can I use baking sods instead baking powder?
Erica Dinho
Hi Erica. I am very happy I found this link. I have a question about the almojabana,can I make it with all porpoused flour instead of cornmeal??, I have been looking for a recipe but all of them have different kind of flours or mix. I really would appreciate your time. Thanks.
Erica Dinho
I don't know!!! I always make them with masarepa or arepa flour.
hi. well i tried the recipe with a little of all purposed flour and it came out pretty well.
It was a little sticky at the begining but after i added more masarepa it was good.
Hi, Erica it did not turns good to liquid, so I add almost a1 cup and 1/4 of cup more of corn meal..they too longer than 35 minutes also hard and no too much cheese flavor....
Reading the reviews, the recipe has not fix that the cottage cheese needs to be drain!
That's way my almojabanas did not turn good.....
What if you don't have a food processor!? What do I do?
The cottage cheese is a bad idea as some are having difficulty with he mixture being too loose and runny.
I suggest using queso blanco either Colombian or Mexican as this makes the perfect consistency.
Maritza NigrinisHeg
I think RICOTTA is the answer ! Thanks to you all bloggers and to you Erika !!!!
I bless you all. ABRAZOS.
Arturo L Rojas
Soy un fiel consumidor de almojabanas. Quiero preguntar si alguien sabe la receta para hacer postre de almojabana que es la misma almojabana sumida en un melao hecho de panela. Es delicioso. Lo he comido pero quiero aprender a hacerlo.
Hola Erica: fijate que hice tu receta al pie de la letra pero mis almojabanas quedaron aplastadas como arepad y no se q pudo haber fallado. Gracias
Andrew Kennedy
Hi there, I'm a Colombian living in Australia for many years. Thanks to inspirations from my mother and seeing her cook, I'm starting to try a few Colombian recepies. Thank you for your! I'm looking forward to trying this one 🙂
Claudia Garcia
Hello! Great news for everyone who found this recipe too liquidy or runny. I had the same problem, but then added a 1/4 cup more masarepa and about 2 ounces of "cold" cream cheese. Problem fixed making batter thick enough. If you add more than that masarepa
they'll come out hard and less cheese flavor. It may also help to use the butter softened and not melted. My parents and I were born in Colombia, but I was raised in USA. I remember eating these fresh out the oven as a child and getting them at the paneria's in Queens N.Y.C.
Muchas gracias..I missed that bread de mis amigos colombianos (no soy de Colombia pero me encanta su comida, panes etc)..Hize la receta, me quedo un poquito a galleta...use quezo fresco mexicano y mozarella cheese..veo que algunos dicen cottage cheese..ese sería en reemplazo de cuál quezo?
Muchas gracias por tu blog me encanta
Claudia Garcia
Hola Pat! Si quires tratar "cottage cheese", esé seria reemplazo para el queso fresco o queso Colombiano. Esta receta tipicamente se usa dos tipos de queso. Uno Como "tangy" y el otro como "milder" (mozzarella).
Si te quedarón como galleta dos rasones me llegan a mente. Uno es que los fritó por exceso tiempo, y el otro es exceso harina de maiz. Si haces esó quedan duros cuando enfríen. Harina "PAN" es la mejor authentica. (Se encuentra facil en Amazon) Puede que esto te ayude hasta que veas a los amigos de Colombia o vayas a vacación.
Pat C
Erica puedo usar cottage cheese en reemplazo del quezo fresco?
Porfis déjame saber quiero hacerlos pronto... Gracias
Erica Dinho
Si, pero lo tienes que esprimir.
Si se puedé usar cottag cheese.
Se tiene que poner a liquar para que quede suave primero.
Muy ricos
I loved this recipe and found the ratio of ingredients was perfect. A friend from Bogota suggested almojabanas to me years ago and I'm always on the lookout for a great recipe. One thing though, my partner who has an extremely sensitive palate noted that it "tastes like cornbread". The cheeses are very subtle in taste and so, it does sort of taste like cornbread. Is there something more to it when you have local Colombian ingredients? How do you perceive them as opposed to your family members in the States?
Thanks again!
Erica Dinho
I am sure the flavor of Colombian cheese id different than the cheese here in the US. I personally love Colombian cheese and can't find it here.