{Catching Up with me August 2013}
I hope you are having a lovely week and enjoying the final days of summer. We had a great summer and took a wonderful family vacation at the beach. My kids loved playing with their cousins, and my husband and I had a relaxing time away from work.
I can't even begin to imagine how another month has come and gone. It's already time for my monthly "catching up with me" post!
If you are a regular reader, by now you know that I am a new weekly contributor for Parade magazine online. I am very excited about it, so please take some time to check out my page on parade.com, and check out all of my posts.
Here are 5 more things you don't know about me:
1. I love food with sweet and salty combinations.
2. I love music, particularly anything I can dance to, especially Latin music.
3. I consider myself easy-going and laid back.
4. I love cheese, especially fresh Colombian cheese.
5. I get totally crazy in office supply stores like Staples. I just love pretty pencils and note pads.
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking some time to catch up with me.
Alan Bowman
In Colombia, the season seemed to me (from Northern climes) to be a perpetual Spring unless we went down to 'hot country' where it would be a perpetual Summer.
Here in Spain, we normally only get a couple of days of Spring before we are hit with 5 months of Summer, then a few days of Autumn and then it can be winter for a few months or barely any time at all. This year has been different. Spring actually lasted a couple of months, then we had a quite hot spell with temperatures in the upper 30s C (upper 95-99F) and now we are back down to the upper 20sC (80-95F) and we have rounded off a long dry spell with a full day and a half of thunderstorms.
When my daughter was little, the best thing you could give her was a brand new pen or pencil. She just loved them!
Glad to learn more about you Erica and it's great that you enjoyed your vacation. Although we can't afford vacation any more, we are lucky living near the beach and there's still a lot of summer for us to enjoy here in Greece. Last year we went to the beach until mid November.
Just found you and promptly got homesick for Colombia. I taught Science in English for seven years in Medellin. Love the people, the climate, the food, the culture, nature (the flowers), the music, the places I visited with Comfama all over the country. What can I say? Born in a different country, lived in four different ones but...my heart is Colombian.
Maria Jose Vallejo
Hi!! i just wanted to congratule you because of your website, i just spend the last 2 hours looking to different recipes, i found you by googling "receta arepas" because im Colombian, from Neiva but my father is from Medellin so i have a Paisa Belly and i really love arepas, im 21 years old and i love cooking.. now im in Italy i just got here 3 weeks ago and i miss arepas more than anything else, i found and international market where i found Harina PAN and im going to try your recipe, its the first time im doing them so lets see how it goes!!! thank you for making such a beatifull website for us, its going to be my favorite website now and i am going to impress these italians with all your recipes!! un abrazo!
Erica Dinho
Thanks,Maria Jose! Y Buena suerte en Italia 🙂