Colombian Higado en Salsa is a traditional dish. This liver with creole sauce is full of flavor and a wonderful way to cook beef liver.

Higado con Salsa Criolla (Liver with Creole Sauce)
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 2 pounds liver cut into 4 pieces
- 2 tablespoons white vinegar
- 2 small onions thinly sliced
- 1 garlic clove minced
- 2 medium tomatoes chopped
- Salt and pepper
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- ½ cup fresh cilantro
- In a medium bowl mix the vinegar, pepper and cumin. Clean the liver and place in the marinade. Refrigerate for 25 minutes.
- In a large skillet melt the butter and olive oil over medium heat. Add the liver to the skillet and cook for about 3 minutes on each side.
- Add the onions, garlic, tomatoes and salt. Cook for 5 minutes more. Cover the skillet and cook for 3 minutes more or until cooked through.Sprinkle fresh cilantro on top and serve over white rice.
This is another one of those recipes for which I have received many requests, so here it is... Higado con Salsa Criolla is a traditional Colombian dish and since most Colombians don't waste food & eat almost every part of the animal, we don't mind liver dishes. We love meat!
I receive a lot of requests for dishes that may not sound to attractive to some yet are popular in Colombia and part of our culture and cuisine. Liver with Creole Sauce is one of them.
My parents, my sister and I all love higado or liver, but my brother hates it. So not every Colombian likes this kind of food. There are many other Colombian dishes that I haven't made because I won't touch, cook or eat certain animal parts. Sounds appetizing, huh? 🙂
Don't overcooked the liver because it gets really hard. If you like liver, try this dish, it is absolutely delicious and remember, liver is a good source of iron 🙂
Buen provecho!
5 Star Foodie
The liver sounds excellent with this sauce! I can't wait to try it!
I have never had liver before. I must admit that if I had this beautifully prepared dish in front of me I would most likely try it though!
Dish looks delish......and again thanks for the help
This liver dish does look good. As I kid, I loved liver and we ate it often. As an adult, I just have not been able to get my arms around it again. Still, your dish looks amazing and the creole sauce would definitely lend a great flavor.
Sandra G
I'm soooo Happy You Posted this recipe, people think I'm crazy because I love liver!
I love liver, unfortunately my husband does not share the same opinion, therefore I do not cook at home...the one that you feature with the sauce looks absolutely delicious 🙂
Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes
What an interesting recipe, Erica. Love the creole sauce.
Joan Nova
I like liver but I have I haven't had in such a long time. Your recipe looks good.
Thank you guys!
Sorry, liver was a dish my mother has always loved. It was the only thing she tried to "force" us to eat when we were small because (its good for you), and as a result I won't touch it now. Looks lovely in your picture, maybe I could make this with cubed steaks instead. I will definately send her a copy of this recipe since her version is always just "Liver and Onions". I love the other ingredients in this though.
i'm sorry to say that i'm among the folks who get squeamish at the thought of eating liver. your preparation of it looks mighty fine, though! 🙂
My hubby loves liver so he would adore this dish! Looks great, Erica!
Only a great cook can make liver look as good as yours does. This is a lovely recipe. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
Liver. You finally made a post that didn't make me drool, but it's not your fault. I just can't do the liver thing.
Tangled Noodle
I've always enjoyed eating liver and this recipe sounds delicious. Unfortunately, my husband does not share my taste for this particular food. Still, it's been years since he had it last and he could be more open to it now, especially cooked in this manner (rather than fried with onions).
rebecca subbiah
my hubby would love this he likes liver looks tasty
I've never had liver before (although I have had small intestine - weird) but I love the sound of the sauce on these!
Haven't had liver since I was a child, Erica! Mother used to always serve it with bacon and onions. (Was this to cover the flavor of liver?)
Not a favorite with me and I never served it to my kids either!
But your tomato/cumin sauce sounds interesting!
Ooooh! As I am always eating liver either fried, grilled or sauteed with lots of onions, this looks like a wonderful new way to enjoy it! The sauce sounds amazing.
Thank you everyone for visiting my site!
I made this last night and it was wonderful. Thank you.
What type of liver should I use? Beef? Chicken? Lamb?
Alex- Beef liver
I just made this today with pork liver, since that's what I had on hand. It was quite good, no metallic taste, good texture. I'm relieved, since I have no previous experience with liver.
Gloria Carvajalino C.
As your family some of us love beef liver and others do not. Today we had Higado encebollado with white rice and avocado for lunch, it was like your recipe except for the tomate. . Thanks for sharing these delightful recipes. 🙂