Colombian mazamorra is made with dried cracked corn and water, then served with milk and panela or bocadillo on the side. There are different versions of mazamorra in Latin America.

Mazamorra Antiqueña is a dish very popular in the Antioquia department of Colombia, and is the region in which I grew up. I posted a simple and quick recipe to make mazamorra made with canned hominy some time ago, but I've been wanting to post my mom's recipe for a while now, which is made from scratch, and I finally made it this week.
I grew up eating Mazamorra Antioqueña, but I wasn't a huge fan of it as a child. My grandmother and my mom always made it at home and they absolutely loved it! For me mazamorra is kind of bland, but I know many Colombians love this traditional dish, so here is the recipe for you.
How to make Mazamorra Antioqueña
- Soak the dried corn overnight.
- Rinse it well and place it a large pot with the water and cook over medium heat until the corn is soft, about 2 to 3 hours, stir occasionally, while adding more water if needed.
What to Serve with this Dish?
This Mazamorra Antioqueña is usually served for dessert with panela, a sugar cane product, or bocadillo (guava paste) on the side.
Simple Desserts to Try
Colombian Style Yuca Cake (Enyucado)
Wow, I can't believe it's that easy! Question- Is the corn you're using the same as the kind you buy for popcorn?
Erica Dinho
Maha Jaramillo
Cual maíz usas?
You can buy the corn in a Mexican store most likely in the united states. That is where I got mine... They are everywhere... You'll want cracked... And no, it is not chicken feed either. That is treated with stuff for them.
How long does it last in the fridge
Angie@Angie's Recipes
So easy yet so delicious!
Never saw this recipe before but now I want to try it for breakfast. I think I would be one to add a bit of sweet touch to it as well. Have a great weekend!
A new way to prepare hominy! I'm super excited to try it.
This Mazamorra looks good to me. And I like that sugar cane product on the side. 🙂 ela
Norma-Platanos, Mangoes & Me!
I have friends that make this for me. It is delicious.
Ruby Sanchez
Soy Colombiana y me gusta la gastronomia por sus deliciosos platos como el arroz con pollo, maduros con queso, arepas. pan de queso, enpanadas,bunuelos, sancocho con costilla y pollo y los tamales Huilences son los mejores. Vivo aca desde el ano 1965 y estuve en Colombia una sola vez en el ano 1968 y gozo preparando estos sabrosos platos para mis nietas e hijos.
Yes it is delicious! I do a little bit different! When it is cocked I add 1 can of condense milk, 1 can of single cream and believe me ! Everybody as for more
No se hace con maíz amarillo, sino con maíz peto, que es blanco
Se hace con los dos. Es más, hay gente que los mezcla. De igual manera sabe delicioso con cualquiera de los dos.
Si ! Se hace con maíz blanco en Medellin
Claro con maiz blanco MOTE ,en ECUADOR se llama MORROCHO
Hello, have you done mazamora in the instant pit? If so, can you share the directions.