Mango is a tropical fruit that is sweet and juicy when ripe and an excellent source of vitamin A and C. In Colombia it is used in desserts, juice, salads, and sauces or just as a snack.
Unripe mangoes with salt and lime are popular street snacks that are sold by street vendors out of wood wagons all over the country. I have fond memories of buying mangos con sal y limón (mangos with salt and lime), served in plastic bags, from the street vendors after high school let out.
This king of fruits is my (actually all of ours ) fav..!! we would sit down in circles.. sisters cousins, take a mango each, peel them & eat till the seeds would be white from licking:-D I love the sour raw ones too.. with chilli powder & salt!
5 Star Foodie
Mangoes are our favorite! i'm thinking of a new recipe with mangoes right now! Hopefully will have something interesting soon.
Gera @ SweetsFoods
The king and queen of the fruits, love mangos in ice creams and every type of desserts!
I really adore mangoes! I can buy them at our international market on Sundays at the South station in Brussels!! MMMMMM.....Mangoes!