Homemade fresh cheese recipe, this quesito colombiano is a popular dish in Colombia. It's perfect to served on top of arepas.

Quesito Colombiano (Colombian Fresh Cheese)
- 1 gallon of whole milk
- ½ cup white vinegar
- Salt to your taste
- Place the milk in a large pot. Heat over medium-high heat to 120 degrees F. if you don't have a candy thermometer, just touch the milk with your finger and the milk is ready when you can't stand the heat of it. Be careful, don't burn your fingers!
- Remove from heat and add the vinegar. Stir well with a wooden spoon and Let it sit for about 40 minutes at room temperature.
- Line a strainer with a layer of cheesecloth and place it over a large bowl.Pour the mixture into the cheesecloth Let drain for about 30 minutes. Squeeze out all the liquid, wrapping the curd with the cheese cloth. Add the salt and mix well.
- Hang the cheese for about 30 minutes.
- Place the quesito in molds or wrap with banana leaves and refrigerate for up to 2 days.
Quesito Colombiano can be compared to Mexican Queso Fresco, and is made by simply processing the curds of cow's milk. The result is a creamy, soft and white cheese. We Colombians love our Quesito and it is widely used in Colombian cuisine. You will often find it in Colombian recipes, as a side dish for Colombian desserts, and as an arepa topping for a traditional every day breakfast.
Buen provecho!
Making Quesito at home is very easy. You can make it using cuajo or rennet tablets, or just white vinegar. Here is my simple recipe to make it using white vinegar.
Enjoy it!
Belinda @zomppa
You definitely make it LOOK easy! Thanks for the step-by-step!
Heather @girlichef
I love the idea of wrapping it in banana leaves. I know I'd love this because I love queso fresco. Yummy.
I love it !!!
I will definitively try it soon 🙂
Thank you for sharing the recipe on my favorite thing to eat
I actually have rennet here that I've never used! Perhaps it's been waiting for this recipe...I think so!
rebecca subbiah
wow looks awesome and so soft
I have always wanted to taste this; what a grat presentation.
This looks great! It looks super easy, yet impressive!
But I do have one question:
When you say to store the cheese in banana leaves/mold for up to two days, do you mean let it rest for two days before use...or use the cheese within two days?
Heather- Use the cheese between two days.
Thanks for clarifying as I had the same question. And thanks SO much for your blog which we love 🙂
Hi, how much is 1 gallon of milk? In ml or liters. Thanks!
vicente perez
1 gallon = 3,78 litros
Amy (Savory Moments)
Great job on the homemade cheese. It looks really delicious. I've only ever made ricotta myself, but would like to try others.
oh my god. i could die of happiness, I LOVE quesito
Thank you everyone for the comments!
Made it this morning for mother's day breakfast and it was very easy and delicious. I added 1 teaspoon of salt.
Thank you!!! I live in Germany and I cannot find Quesito here. I've been using shredded mozzarella for my arepas. Thank you!!
Gracias Erica por todas las recetas. A mi novia le encanta el questio, entonces yo se lo voy a preparar hoy.
Thank you so much for this recipe, have made it twice wu th arenas and it has been a success. Bought myself a hanging cheese cloth bag that made it easier. Thanks again
Hi Erica,
I have a question - it seems that the queso costeño has a much stronger flavor and is a bit more "rubbery" than this - is it a different sort of idea? Thanks!
vicente perez
esta receta de erika es queso no quesito. en el quesito la cuajada se muele enuna maquina de moler maiz y se hacen con las manos los quesitos . el queso costeño esla cuajada sin moler, con bastante sal y se deja secar
Querida Erica , es una bendicion encontrar una web tan interesante como la tuya.
Sobre la receta del queso, tengo las pastillas de cuajo , pero no se como usarlas me gustaria saber que cantidad debo usar para la receta que nos das ? Gracias por tu respuesta.
G. Angelica.
Hi - I just made this cheese, it's currently hanging. I felt like there was a lot of extra milky whey left...it only made one big ball of quest. Is that correct? If so, any ideas for what to do with all of the left over whey?
Hi! you could try " almojabanas" uhmmmm..that's really nice
María G
Could we use 2% milk for this recipe? I forgot to buy whole milk Thanks!! I love your recipes
vicente perez
para hacer queso se necesita una leche con bastante grasa. si se la rebaja, el rendimiento de queso va a ser muy poco
Hola. Que buena receta!
Tengo una pregunta, entre el paso 4 y 5, debo sacar el quesito del cheesecloth antes de envolverlo en las hojas?
Cristina Ridout
I used 4 liters of milk for 1/2 cup of vinegar. I followed all the steps but I only got a very little amount of cheese. There is a lot of uncurled milk left . I tried to use more vinegar overnight but it didnt curl. can somebody tell me what I did wrong?
I made this cheese yesterday and it came out great. We ate it with arepas. I put one teaspoon of salt in the cheese which seemed like too much, it was fine to have on an arepa but I would suggest 1/4tsp to 1/2tsp for next time.
Mary Mackay
Thanks for the recipe! What could I do with all the extra milk/vinegar, though? it seems pretty wasteful. 🙁
Nunca lo he echo con vinagre! what a great idea, I'll try it this week I think. I've made it with rennet before but never with vinegar.
awsome!! im gonna do it right now!!!
Hola Erika,
Cuanto cuajo se necesita?, yo vivo en estados unidos y tengo las rennet tablets. Cuantas se necesitan para un galon de leche?
Gracias por tus recetas. A mis hijos les encanta comer comida colombiana!!!
Erica Dinho
Yo uso 1/2 tableta de cuajo para un galon de leche.
Hola Erika, muchas gracias por todas tus recetas ❤️
¿Se puede hacer el queso con la leche que se compra en el supermercado?
Gracias, y que Dios te bendiga
Ana Frye
Wow! this sounds completely amazing! I currently live in new mexico and for one reason or another, i've not been able to find queso colombiano, its been really frustrating to be honest with you, but with this recipe, i might not have to worry about that anymore! I'm going to definitely try it out real soon! Thank you!!!
Alan Bowman
Amy and others, don't forget to use the whey, (the liquid that drips from the curds) to make ricotta. Ricotta cheese (the name means twice cooked) is traditionally made from the whey that is a by-product from making Mascarpone or Mozzarella but there is no reason you can't use the whey from making any other soft white cheese.
Angela T
Hi Alan, it’s a long time since but could you please explain how to do this? Thanks
Martha Brewer
I have a question. Do you know where can I order Quesito colombiano???
Thank you so much for your time.
Love all your recipes. Great job!!! I am so proud of you, and dedication!
Thanks again
Erica Dinho
Hi Martha,
I don't know!
Lynn H.
Hi, Try a site called Amigo Foods. They have the El Viajero brand in a pack of 3- 10 oz. pieces, and they are individually wrapped.
Hola Erica. Acabo de intentar la receta. Lo tengo colgando. Una pregunta, toda la leche que queda ... Se puede volver a hacer mas queso o simplemente se pierde? Siempre es mucha 🙂 gracias!
Erica Dinho
Hola Monika,
Yo no la vuelvo a usar.
Hola Erica, voy a hacer el queso pero quisiera saber si le tengo que hacer algo a la hoja de platano? o la puedo usar exactamente como la arranco de el arbol? thank you
Erica Dinho
Wash them with hot water a couple of times.
Hola Erica, tengo una pregunta, que sinifica "place the quesito in molds?"
Erica Dinho
Colocar el quesito en moldes.
This looks yummy and super easy! Do you have any other cheese recipes?
Hi Erica, just wondering what type of moles should I use if I can't find the leaves? thanks in advance!
Kate @ Babaganosh.org
I've made this cheese several times now, and it is so good and simple and so much cheaper than buying either queso fresco or farmer's cheese at the grocery store!
Can you make this with low fat milk? Also, is there any way to use all that whey that comes off from this? I love using everything and not wasting any potentially nutritious ingredients.
Hello Erica, I tried the recipe and the consistency of the cheese is rather creamy, not quite as crumbly as I thought it should be. Any suggestions on achieving a more "crumbly" consistency?
Empeze a hacer el quesito, pero se me olvido calendar la leche antes de ponerle el vinagre, que hagooooooooooooo?
Ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa por favor
Muchas gracias por esta y todas las recetas de nuestra Hermosa tierra.
Que prodriamos hacer con el claro que sale? Para no botarlo.
Smoothies. Es proteína.
María G
Could we use 2% milk for this recipe? I forgot to buy whole milk Thanks!! I love your recipes
Erica Dinho
I always use whole milk.
Erika, es posible remplazar las ojas de platano con algo diferente? no he podido conseguir las hojas de platano.
Erica Dinho
Puedes usar cualquier recipiente(un molde que puedas tapar)
What about grinding the cheese before molding it. That’s what my grandmother taught me. But I no longer have a grinder.
Stephanie V.
Fantastic recipe. I followed it exactly as written and it came out perfect. I paired it with melao! I also used Himalayan pink sea salt to salt my cheese. Made 1.5 gallons of milk worth of cheese! Lol! Will be using some of it to make pan de yuca tomorrow! Thanks for sharing such a great and easy recipe!
Se puede congelar para que dure más? Si la respuesta es si, por cuánto?
Mil gracias!
Erica Dinho
Nunca lo he congelado!
Vicente perez
el queso congelado no es buena idea
Juan Runnells
One of my favorite cheeses, mainly because I am of costeño decsent.
The only thing missing in this recipe is cuajo ( rennet) It is not costeño cheese with out rennet. Typically, the lining of a young calf is used, however for the squeamish, for a gallon or 4 L of milk, I would mix 1/2 a tablet of rennet, dissolved in 100ml of water, and mix in with the milk before adding the vinegar. Rennet is not optional, it not only aids in the curdling of the cheese, but adds the proper flavouring to the cheese.
Erica Dinho
This is not a recipe for Queso Costeño. It's a quesito recipe. Thanks for sharing yours!
Juan how do I make the rennet from the cuajo. I was given some cuajo salted and dried from a friend of mine but I don't know how to use it in making cheese