Sancocho de Cola is a traditional Colombian soup made with oxtail, vegetables, herbs and spices.

Sancocho is a popular soup in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America and is a hearty and filling soup. The name of the dish "Sancocho" comes from the Spanish verb "sancochar", which in English means to Parboil.
There are many variations of sancocho in Colombia, each region preparing it in its own way. But, it is basically a soup prepared using various meats, spices, herbs and root vegetables. Some of our Colombian sancocho recipes are: Sancocho de Pollo o Gallina (chicken sancocho), Sancho de Cerdo (pork sancocho), Sancocho de Pescado (fish sancocho), Sancocho de Guandu (pigeon peas sancocho, and Sancocho Costeño (Atalntic Coast sancocho), among others.
This Sancocho de Cola recipe is rich, hearty and full of flavor, and is one of the most requested Colombian dishes from my readers. So finally, I am posting the recipe on my site!
Sancocho de Cola Recipe (Oxtail Colombian Soup)
- 2 pounds oxtails cola de res
- ½ cup of aliños sauce
- 3 ears fresh corn cut into pieces
- 12 cups of water
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 green plantains peeled and cut crosswise into 2 inch pieces
- 6 medium white potatoes peeled and cut in half
- 1 pound yuca cut into big pieces
- ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro
- Place the oxtails in a large pot and cover with water. Cook for 30 minutes.
- Add the aliños sauce and salt. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer. Cover and let simmer for about one hour. Skim the fat off the soup and add the corn and simmer for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Add the plantains, yuca and potato and cook for 35 minutes more. Add more water if necessary. Add chopped fresh cilantro and serve with avocado, white rice and ají on the side.
I like to serve Sancocho with white rice, Colombian ají sauce and avocado on the side. You can keep this soup in the fridge in a sealed container for 3 to 4 days.
More Soup Recipes
Why does the recipe calls for draining the pot after boiling the oxtails for 30minutes doesn't that first water contain lots of flavor?
You don't have to do it, but I like to do it because oxtails are very fatty!
Do step #1 the day before , put the pot in the fridge and in the morning skim the fat off. Then ur left with all the flavour and none of the guilt.
I agree, I made the first time by the recipe with the rinsing and draining and it came out extremely watery and lacking flavor. After leaving the meat water and just skimming the fat off it was a night and day difference.
I like the fat
Belinda @zomppa
I'm loving your version - always full of color and life.
That looks like a wonderful soup. I just had an oxtail Jamaican curry last week, love shewing on the bones. This is a lighter version I would love to try.
Norma-Platanos, Mangoes and Me!
I just saw some oxtails and I was thinking of making them. Here you are and and it looks so good Erica. I remember oxtail being so inexpensive and boy have the prices gone up. Today I make una sopita de res...
I found rabo de buey (oxtail) at $6.99 a pound. Making my Mom & Dad a sancocho tomorrow. El rabo de buey will give them lots of strength. My dad is 93 & my mom is 91. I’m looking forward to a very tasty sancocho! It’s cold out!
Con yautia, guineos verde, plátano, carne de res y rabo de buey. This will make a hearty meal!
You don't come across oxtails much in the US...wonder why that is. Looks like a great soup!
They used to be quite common BUT now they're in style at the restaurants so they get first shot at the best cuts and if you're lucky you'll find some in a latino super market. But I remember when I was a kid we could buy them at the A&P supermarket in NYC. Course that was 50 yrs ago . lmao
You can also visit a butcher and have them provide.
I never have a problem finding oxtail when I want them in the US. Now the price... is another conversation.
Tatiana-Que Cocinar
Como siempre con unas fotos bien provocativas.
Ahhh... y ya vote por ti.
Joanne, check the areas where latinos and the people from the caribbean live and shop, in your area, and you will see plenty of oxtail.
Looks yummy.
Y la postobon, ni se diga. Quiero una ya!
Amazing..just like my grandmother and mom used to make. You have great traditional soups that I love. Thank you for sharing.
Hi. Is there another type of beef cut that one can use?
Short rib
Currently making this and so far it’s looking great! I cannot wait to try it! My parents are from Cali and all these smells are bringing me lots of memories from my childhood whether it was my mom cooking or my mamita in Colombia. Thanks so much for sharing our amazing traditions ❤️
THIS RECIPE IS AMAZING ! I had to use veal shank instead or ox tail. Couldn’t find any anywhere 🙁 so I skipped the first step of rinsing it and throwing out the water. I also added chicken breast with the veal shank! The smell in my house is incredible!
Thank you for posting this recipe! I always wanted to make sancocho’s my family new favourite in the cold winter months !
Jacquelynn Best
This fish is amazing, I recommend making a fresh sauce on the side to top off the hot soup. In a bowl, combine diced fresh juicy tomatoes, chopped up scallions, chopped up cilantro, chopped up jalapeños, (just a little) mixed with white vinegar and fresh lime juice! It gives it such a kick!