This is a sponsored post in partnership with IMUSA, however, the recipe and opinions are my own, as always. Thank you for supporting the brands that support My Colombian Recipes.
While growing up in Colombia, my family would gather at Mamita’s house every Christmas Eve for our traditional Noche Buena meal. There were many different dishes on the table, but the star of the dinner was always a wonderful pork dish! It could have been pork loin, pernil, lechona or cañon, but without fail, we could always count on an awesome pork dish, which was my Mamita's favorite type of meat.
Stuffed Pork Loin
- 1 cup diced ham
- 1 large carrot peeled and diced
- 1 roasted red bell pepper diced
- 1 small onion diced
- 2 scallions diced
- 3 garlic cloves
- ¾ cup of bread crumbs
- 1 beaten egg
- 1 3 to 4 pounds pork loin roast
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- Salt and pepper
- To make the filling: place the ham, carrots, roasted red peppers, onions, scallions and garlic in a food processor. Transfer to a mixing bowl , add the egg and bread crumbs.
- Place pork, fat side down, on work surface with 1 short end facing you. Using sharp knife and starting ½ inch above underside of roast, cut ½ inch in along right side. Continue cutting ½ inch above underside, unrolling roast.
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Position an oven rack in the middle of the oven.
- Once your pork roast is in a flat piece, use a meat mallet to pound the pork so that most of the meat is in one even layer. Spread the filling over the pork.
- Roll up pork, arrange seam side down on work surface. Tie the pork with kitchen string. Transfer the pork to a caldero or roasting pan.
- Rub the pork all over with the olive oil and then season with salt and pepper.
- Roast pork at 400 degrees F until an instant-read thermometer inserted into center of loin registers 140-160 for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Let the pork rest for at least 25 minutes before slicing.
This stuffed pork loin recipe is one of the dishes we had on our table during the holidays in Colombia. It’s made with a large pork loin roast, which is stuffed with a mixture of chopped ham, garlic, onion, carrots, roasted red pepper, cumin, bread crumbs, scallions and egg. You can even prepare the pork ahead of time, only needing to cook it before your guests arrive.
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! Thanks to IMUSA for sponsoring this post and providing cookware that I used for this recipe: a cast aluminum natural caldero, electric mini chopper food processor, lemon squeezer, wood 12” cooking paddle, 12” serving spoon and a salsa dish!”
I invite you all to visit IMUSA.com to find more recipes and information about their products. Also, you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
You can join the Noche Buena fun by sharing your favorite Noche Buena recipes/dishes on social media by using the hashtag #NocheBuenaConIMUSA.
Buen provecho!

My favorite Noche Buena dishes are Bunñuelos, Muchacho Relleno and Manjar Blanco...yum! This looks delish I think I will try it this year!
My favorite is Natilla..
Lynn F.
I am so excited to see this recipe! I love pork, it's my favorite meat, and stuffed pork makes my heart beat fast! 🙂 We always have pork at Christmas but have never stuffed it. I have a wonderful loin in the fridge now and we will be having that tomorrow night using your recipe. Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas. I am new to your blog but love your recipes. Feliz Navidad. 🙂 <3
I love your blog! It has helped me so much in my relations with my Colombian suegra! My fave Noche Buena dish is natilla. Always natilla. Takes forever to make, but so worth it.
Adriana Gutiérrez
Looks delicious! We usually spent Christmas Eve at the "tias" house, actually our great aunts. A holiday specialty of the house was Roscas, little fritters that looked like wreaths.
My favorite Noche Buena dish is a toss between Arroz con Coco or the Flan!!! Merry Christmas from a fellow Colombiana!!
Nuestro plato favorito para noche buena es pavo relleno. Pero ahora al ver tu deliciosa receta tengo la opcion de prepararla para el dia de navidad. Gracias por compartir la receta!
Querida Erica.. Que tengas una feliz navidad y un nuevo año lleno de muchas bendiciones. Abrazos!
Ruby Soria
My favorite Noche Buena dinner is Arroz con Gandules with Pernil and Platanos Maduros and Coqui to wash it down!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Stuffed pork loin is one of my favorites, I will have to try your stuffing blend, sounds wonderful!
Dee Valenzuela
My favorite Buena Noche dish is Natilla and Buñuelos! This dish looks yummy! Great job!
Our family lived in Colombia for almost 4 years (Amaga in mid 1970s) and I still remember Natilla and Bunuelos, especially at Christmas!
Pork is also one of my favorite meats. I tend to cook it in a variety of ways! Thank you for this recipe!
My family and I lived in New York City when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's. My parents always made it a point to cultivate Colombian traditions in our home. Our Noche Buena consisted of typical Colombian dishes such as tamales or pernil. I am proud to continue this tradition with my own family and serve Colombian dishes on Noche Buena as well. This year I will try this recipe; it looks delicious and I can already smell the glorious aroma emanating from my oven!
Becky T
Well I am new to the world of Columbian Cooking (thanks to you) but Flan has to be pretty close to the top of the list. And that Pork Roast you stuffed today looks mighty good also!
Alan Bowman
Hola Erica de españa
This is often what we do with our loin roasts. I usually buy a complete loin (cinta de lomo) and cut it into several roasting joints and a fair quantity of steaks. Some roasting joints we keep whole, others we will spiral cut like this and stuff with a sage and onion stuffing or a fruity (prunes, dates, muscatel raisins, apricots) stuffing. We cook ours in a halogen oven which is quite quick and economical to use and has the added advantage in the summer of not overheating the kitchen.
Feliz navidad y prospero año 2017
Alejandra y Alan
My favorite Noche Buena dish is actually a Noche Buena: buñuelos, natilla, manjar blanco, brevas, desamargado, hojaldras...
Cindy McL
My family doesn't have a traditional Christmas Eve dish, generally it's a time to just hang out, play games at the kitchen table (card games, or board games), and catch up. We gorge on Christmas cookies and savory snacks like cheese and crackers. It's not a formal meal, but it's still fun 🙂
Mi favorito es tamales colombianos... Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo.
Angela C.
Mi favorito son los buñuelos y las hojaldras!
We remember tamales with fondness, because our friends from Huila included me in the preparation. It took most of the day for us to buy, peel, cut, and cook the ingredients, then to carefully wrap each with a banana leaf. They steamed while we went to church and were ready for us when we returned. If you didn't have time to make your own, there vendors with steaming pots on many street corners on holidays.
My favorites have always been natilla y buñuelos. Oh! Also lechón, my family would gather at abuelitas house and my uncles would kill the hog and the aunties would prepare the whole thing, even making homemade morcilla... Ahh memories!
My favorite, at least for dessert, is leche flan.
Jennifer Morales
Natilla, natilla, natilla!!
We do typical ham dinner. Brown sugar glazed with pineapple and cherries. Sides: white rice, potatoe salad ( boiled potatoes, green peas, mayo and lime Juice) deviled eggs and fried plantains.
Dessserts: apple pie, rice pudding, natilla with raspberry sauce... Uhmmm i am getting hungry!!! Lol
I like flan!
I love ❤️ prime rib roast